If you're looking for estimates for a roofing project, you will probably be baffled by all the technical terms. We can make this easier for you with a handy glossary. This will give you the confidence to know what you are talking about when approaching Lehigh Valley roofing contractors!
Once you've checked out the best Lehigh Valley roofer reviews and found a trustworthy contractor, it's time to make the call. Here's how to impress your roofer with a great knowledge of terminology!
The flashing is the thin metal sheet used to prevent rainwater and runoff from collecting at critical parts of the roof. It directs the water away from these areas to prevent leakage.

Common types of flashing are:
Apron flashing (used for penetrations & at the base of walls)
Counter flashing (used for chimneys)
Step flashing (used between shingles & sidewalls/chimneys)
The best roofers in Lehigh Valley can explain which type they'll use on your property and how it protects against the elements.

The fascia sits behind the gutter and eaves and gives a finished look to the house. It can also serve as the connection points for gutters and drain pipes, resulting in a ‘finished’ look to your home.

The hip is the term for the junction of two sides of roof slopes. It runs from the top ridge to the eaves to form an exterior angle.

Valleys are when two roof facets meet to form the interior v-shaped angle and allow the water to run off. The valleys usually consist of concrete, lead,fiberglass, or aluminum. Lehigh Valley roofing experts will assist you with your requirements.

The ridge is the horizontal line at the top edge of the roof, where two planes intersect. This is the highest point.

It is the triangular section where two facets join at the end of the sloping ridge. The upper triangular portion of a sidewall comes to a point at the ridge of a double-sloping roof.

This is another item to give a decorative look to your home. It’s the underside of the eaves that forms a corner where the roof overhangs a wall. It acts as a protection for the rafters from the elements.
Drip Edge

The drip edge is the metal component that sits at the edge of the roof nailed to the decking of the roof line. It offers protection for the underlying parts of the roof.

This is the foundation of the roof. It can be made from steel, wood, or concrete. Roofers in Lehigh Valley will inspect your decking if extensive damage is suspected.

A truss is a support for the rafters of the house. They bear the weight of the roof and are a vital component of the roofing structure. The best roofers in the Lehigh Valley will ensure a good support system.

Familiarizing yourself with these terms may help you communicate more confidently with any Lehigh Valley roofing company. Next step – check out Lehigh Valley roofer reviews to connect with the professionals!